It's been an awfully long time since dh and I have gone on a date that would count towards this blog. A lot of my pregnancy consisted of dates that involved food, and not necessarily trying any new restaurants. Most were cravings for old favorites. And of course having a newborn baby makes for a lot more effort when trying to go out and do anything, including a "quick" trip to Target (no longer does it take 5 minutes to grab our phones and keys and go, now it requires careful planning and packing, well worth it of course).
However dh had spring break a couple weeks ago and we decided to take advantage of his time off from school (crazy how that works, it'll be so nice when his semester is over and the only thing we have to worry about is his work schedule!). We packed up Logan and the diaper bag and headed to the carlsbad flower fields. It was a bit of a drive, much longer than I realized it'd be. Thankfully Logan decided to sleep the whole way.

We arrived at the flower fields and were greeted by a rainbow of bright and happy colors. It was absolutely gorgeous and a fun way to welcome the upcoming Easter weekend. Logan slept almost the entire time, until it was time to go then he woke up for a little snack. Rick and I had a blast looking at all the pretty flowers and posing Logan (in his carseat) to take tons of pictures. I'd love to take Logan back there when he's bigger as they have a lot of fun kid friendly activites, including a flower maze, a little gold rush area, and a playground.